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Most people see opossums as a cute looking critter but, can get very mean when endangered and cause serious damage once in your home. Usually in attic or crawlspace depending where they  gain access. If you feel you may have an opossum problem in your home contact us right now to get a free inspection on your home and give you the best solution to get rid of this critter.

Facts about opossums 

What damage can you suspect from these critters?

 These creatures are usually active through out the night with damages as torn open trash bags in your home. Nesting in attic to get warmth in your home that may cause torn air ducts and insulation and electrical wires. Time of year can be year round, but, mostly on early spring summer season

How to identify?

Type of noise: Mostly slow moving steps and growling deeply, raising a deeper pitch. Sometimes hissing or a smacking noise by their baby possums. Opossums can sometimes be mistaken for a huge rat as most people say but, their tail and furry dark gray body can be identified pretty simple. Rats will most likely run away while opossums while try to attack and make noises to fear you away. Time of year can be year round, but, mostly on early spring summer season is when most opossums are seen.

Service Prices

Compare the our service packages and find the best fit for you.

Basic wildlife removal 

Not recommended if infestation or serious damage

Starting at: $350.00

Price may vary depending on home

Trapping wildlife | Removal 

Good for a 1 time removal NO WARRANTY

Wildlife removal inside home

Excluder cage installed on exterior home over hole. Allows wildlife to exit home but, not come back in through same hole due to cage

Sealing or repairing entry and exit hole where squirrel is coming in and out of after excluder is removed 3-5 days may vary*

Good for 1 time removal


Wildlife removal package


Contact us for details on a free quote 

Wildlife Exclusion | Removal

Best for preventing wildlife critters coming inside your home for good 

Inspecting full  home and  thoroughly for each an every hole or crack that is a possible entry hole for wildlife 

Sealing full home entry point such as gaps, holes, vents.

Installation of excluder cages to have rodents leave home naturally without harm or installation of traps if rats or mice are involved 

Repairing any damages left by wildlife just as your home was before wildlife came in your home

Full inspection to assure you no critters will come back in your home then we will remove all traps

All our work comes with a full year warranty that covers all damages if another rodents tends to come back In your home

Premium Wildlife removal package

* Highly recommended *

Contact us for details on a free quote

Wildlife exclusion | Removal | Cleaning | Decontamination 

Best for Busy Homes and prevention of wildlife re entry in home and clearing signs of previous wildlife existence in your home good to pass inspection if selling home

Inspecting full home and thoroughly for each an every hole or crack that is a possible entry hole for wildlife

Sealing full home entry point such as gaps, holes, vents.

Installation of excluder cages to have rodents leave home naturally without harm or installation of traps if rats or mice are involved

Repairing any damages left by wildlife just as your home was before wildlife came in your home
Full inspection to assure you no critters will come back in your home then we will remove all traps

After traps are removed we will restore all loose insulation or replace and repair all damages that rodents left behind and clean thoroughly to provide decontamination  

All our work comes with a full year warranty that covers all damages if another rodents tends to come back In your home

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