Hearing loud foot steps its possible you hear a raccoon which can be a nightmare once inside your home typically in your attic not only do they cause severe damage in your home but, they carry dieses such as rabies that can leave health problems in your home if not treated right away give us a call today to schedule a raccoon removal from your home.

Raccoons cause serious damages when they invade your home usually by tearing chunk of soffit or breaking off anything in there way by easily identifying them as a few examples above raccoons will leave damages in your roof that can damage interior of your home we strongly recommend a full exclusion for example a on the 3rd picture we sealed the home with galvanized flashing to prevent them from chewing or tearing back in your home.
Raccoons are very smart critters that make the impossible possible if they have to in attics usually the y leave feces staining insulation in one pile once we do a full exclusion in your home we highly recommend a decontamination in your attic and cleaning all feces and raccoon damages to prevent health problems in your home